MSSQL: Find total records of each Table in given Database
hi guys, i wanted to do a quick post on how you can find total number of records in each table of the database. here is the script you can use: USE <Your Database Name> GO ;WITH CTE_DATABASETABLESIZE (DATABASENAME, SCHEMANAME, TABLENAME, TOTALROWS) AS ( SELECT DB_NAME(), SCHEMA_NAME(SO.UID), SO.NAME, SI.ROWS FROM SYSOBJECTS SO INNER JOIN SYSINDEXES SI ON SO.ID = SI.ID WHERE TYPE = ‘U’ AND SI.INDID IN (0,1) ) SELECT * FROM CTE_DATABASETABLESIZE /*ORDER BY SCHEMANAME ORDER BY TOTALROWS ASC*/ ORDER BY TOTALROWS DESC Note: Customize this query according to your needs 🙂 Thanks, Khilit
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